For further information on one of the license types listed above, please visit the applicable program's licensing page:
Once you begin the process, you will need to enter the information prompted for each field. The fields with an asterisk (*) indicate fields that are required.
The failure to enter all the requested information results in an incomplete application which shall become void on the one-year anniversary of the submission of the incomplete application. A void application will not be processed and any application fee associated with the void application shall not be refunded. This action is not a denial of a license for any purpose under the Texas Government Code, the Texas Agriculture Code, or these rules. 4 Tex. Admin. Code § 2.1(e) (2010) (Tex. Dep’t. of Agric., Licensing).
After you have entered all of the required data, the system will transfer your information to the payment processing system. In that system, you will provide your payment information. Upon payment, a receipt will be sent to the email address that you list during the payment process. Fees are nonrefundable. Hemp processing time is up to 60 business days. All other licenses will be processed in 30 business days.